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Why you should be a marketing GITT...

Need marketing help? Well you need to learn how to become a marketing GITT. The last blog was all about the FOWTW principle to marketing - Find Out What They Want.

But the principle does not stop there. You see finding out what your customers want is a critical step towards success but some businesses I have spoken too end up getting a bit stuck at this stage. Have you heard the phrase "paralysis by analysis"? It's jargon for getting so hung up with so much fact finding and research that you end up doing nothing. This is when you have to become a marketing GITT. A marketing GITT is someone that finds out what their customer wants and then Gives It To Them! Being a Marketing GITT distinguishes businesses that are customer focused from those businesses that are production and product led. You see in my book (and the books of the greatest businesses such as Virgin, Google, Microsoft etc etc…) the customer is much more important than the product!

I could have the newest, shiniest and most fan-dangle-diest (if that is a word??….) product in the world but if nobody wants it….I haven't got a business! By being a marketing gitt however and giving customers what they want rather than what you want to give them, all of a sudden….wallets are opened, the good will is flowing and your business grows.

The moral of the story is this.

A crucial step to marketing help is to remember to give customers what they want. So have you taken time out of your busy diary recently to ask the killer questions to find out what your customers really want? Have you then figured out a plan for how to give it to them? If not, this is a great time to open up to a new way of doing business that involves many more happy customers, no hard sales &….MORE PROFIT!

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