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The marketing kiss

Pucker Up! Time to learn about the marketing kiss.

Do you know how many marketing messages you see every day? Actually no, neither do I because everyone is different (you may be a hermit crab) but I guarantee you would be amazed how many messages some studies have calculated the average person sees.

Just think about it. While watching your TV, in the car, in the supermarket, in the post, on the Internet, on the radio, on the phone, by email…the list is endless. Hundreds of messages all competing for your attention all day long.

So how has the human race adapted to cope with this bombardment? Well it's a bit like Darwin's law of natural selection. Only the strong marketing message will survive!

Your customer simply does not have the time to read all the fine print, nor the inclination so what do you do about it? Easy. You make sure you sense check your message first with a KISS.

Keep It Simple Stupid. Simply presume the person seeing or hearing your message is as busy as you are and does not have the time for complicated messages & you will not go far wrong.

The moral of this tip is simple. Keep It Simple!

Coo's mission is to make marketing simple for you. Need help? Just shout.

Claire XXX

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