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How consistent is your marketing and branding?

Do you know one of the simplest concepts that has built some of the biggest brands? Consistency. Do you think Coca Cola just can't be bothered changing their font every so often? Do you think Virgin just love the colour red more than any other?

Big brands know what little brands need to. Your brand can become your biggest asset therefore treat it with care.

Do you sometimes change the colour scheme of your corporate literature on a whim?
Do you know how to ensure your printing always looks the same?
Does your business look a bit schizophrenic if you put all the branded material in one place?
Does your writing style always feel the same?

Developing a strong, meaningful brand is a long term process but so many smaller brands treat it as if they are shopping for a new outfit…I think I fancy a purple one this time….

If you want your customers to take your brand seriously, you have to take your branding seriously too.

So….Once you have a brand that works, attracts the right customers and stands for something…don't mess it up with inconsistency. Coo Marketing work with numerous clients to develop meaningful brand identities that are scalable and can grow. Consistency of branding is half the battle.

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