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Where is your niche?

If I asked you who your core target market was, would you be able to answer it? I mean really answer it in detail? One of the most powerful marketing strategies on this planet is understanding who your key target is and being as specific as possible.

In marketing babble terms, it is about finding your "niche". Finding where you sit amongst all your competitors and finding out what makes you different. The more unique you are and the more specific on who your target market is, the better. You will suddenly find that competitors are less of an issue and you have people coming to you rather than the other way around.

So worth investing some brain power on? I would certainly recoo-mend it!

Challenge yourself to see how well you know where your businesses niche is in the world. Write down the answers and then check that your whole business is geared up to fulfilling the needs of your particular niche. If you need help defining your target market, coo can walk you through it. It is one of the most powerful marketing principles if you can get it right.

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